
9:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mark and I had a great Thanksgiving. This was our first Thanksgiving without our family, minus that one that my Mom and I were in NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It didn't really feel like Thanksgiving but it was great to be around family.

We left for Illinois around 5pm on Wednesday evening. Mark had to work later than thought but we finally got into Paris around 11pm which wasn't bad. Traffic was heavy into Ohio but once we hit Indiana it wasn't that bad.

The next morning I got up and had a great conversation with my Uncle, who happens to be one of my favorite. When I went to wake Mark up he wasn't feeling well so I left to sleep until around 11:30. The family started coming over around noon and we ate about 15 minutes later which was SUPER early for us. They had about 25 people over. I knew about 10 of them which included cousins and second cousins. It was a good time none the less.

That next morning Mark and I got up SUPER early and headed up to Champaign, IL to go to Best Buy. It was the closest one, mind you, it was over an hour away! We ended up getting a new TV! We are so excited. We deserve it big time! It's a 42 inch, Sony LCD...blah blah blah. That's all I know about it. Now I know we currently own 3 extra TVs. What in the world am I suppose to do with them?

We ended up coming home on Saturday, and I'm so glad that we did because the weather was nasty today. Mark is still sick and I'm not feeling all that great. At least we get to go home in 23 days! I'm so excited and ready!

I have started to take pre-natal vitamins and boy do they make me sick! I have always had problems with vitamins but man, these take the cake! I take them and 10 minutes later I throw up. NOT GOOD. I'm going to have to try something else.

Have a good evening!

Texas Tech

11:40 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I am still proud to be a Red Raider. I have NO idea what happened tonight. We look so bad it's a joke.

We are still a one loss team though!!! We still beat Texas!!! OU lost to Texas.

On the up note, if there is one, Tech should be in the Cotton Bowl which means we will get to go to the game since we will be in Dallas over the Holidays.

Better luck next time Tech! I'm an Alumni and proud to be one.

I do have some exciting news though.......

Mark and I were talking last night and we have decided that I will take my BCP through February, let my system clean out in March, and start TTC in April and May giving us a December 09 to January 10 baby. We are very excited. It was such an amazing feeling to hear Mark talk about a baby. He understands that I am ready and he is almost with me.

I can't help but be super excited!

Have a good night.


Home Alone...Still

12:16 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So Mark left for Williamsport on Sunday and was suppose to do a 16 stage job pumping 24 hours. This would have put him home on Wednesday, possibly Thursday (today). Well whenever he goes to Williamport this ALWAYS happens. Something went terribly wrong with the well and they have only done 2 stages.

I have no idea when he is going to be home now. There is a VERY good chance he wont be home until sometime next week. BLAH!!! I hate that. I hate being home alone especially since I don't know anyone here. I just sit and watch TV all day. What a pointless life I have right now!

I'm very worried about our Thanksgiving plans of going to Illinois because Mark may not be home yet. This ALWAYS happens when we have plans. With Mark being in the oil field we can never make plans. He has been doing this for 2 years and it's still the same. I feel like I'm married to a doctor. Blah.

I have done almost nothing this week. How lame am I?

On Tuesday night I had dinner with Samantha who is a childhood friend who moved to Japan after our freshmen year in HS. I hadn't seen her in 7 years so it was great! We sat at the bar and talked all night long. I can't wait to do it again. It's nice when you see and old friend and it's as though the time has stopped from where you last saw each other and starts when you see each other again.

On Tuesday I went to Macy's and got an AMAZING deal on a jacket. It's a red pea coat that was originally $129.00 and I walked away with it for $16.12! How great is that!

Yesterday I went to Wal*Mart to get baking things...and yet I didn't do a bit of baking today. Maybe tomorrow. I'm trying to put off most of my baking until next week so its fresh for Thanksgiving. We are going to be in a sugar coma for a month after all of the sweets I've made.

So in other news, my BF Amanda and composed this amazing idea to go to the Big 12 championship if Tech wins this weekend. It would be me, Amanda and Michele. It would be so much fun. They are going to buy tickets tomorrow to the game. I haven't been able to talk with Mark about the trip yet. I'm not sure if he will be okay with me going since it is a $400 trip and we just bought our tickets home for Christmas.

With us still owning the house in Texas, we have to keep a close eye on our money. I sure hope I get to go! I also asked my Dad to see if they could give it to me as my x-mas present because what could they possibly get us? We are flying and the airlines will charge us a ton for extra baggage.

I sure wish Mark would call! I haven't talked to him since 5:00pm On Wednesday and it is now 12:30AM on Friday. YUCK!

Thanks for listening.


The Dilemma of 2009 and 2010

2:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Yes Yes, we are still in 2008, I know. So why am I stressing about 2010? Well, I will tell you!

Mark and I have been married for 5 months next Friday. Almost half a year! Time has FLOWN! (On a side note, I'm ALMOST done with my Thank You notes, I'm a terrible bride) Any who, now the next question we get almost once a week is "when are you going to have a baby?" I think we get this question because we have been together 5 years so we're not your typical met, dated a year, and was married a year later for a total of knowing your husband/wife a total of two years.

Well with my "girl issues" that I've had for over a year now, I'd like to have a good idea about when I will need to stop my BCP and when I will need to get my pre-OBGYN checkup and all that good stuff, not to mention I want to loose 10lbs before I'm Pregnant.

So here's our dilemma....... The original plan was for me to stop taking my BCP on our one year anniversary. Then we will start trying around October-November of next year. This would give us a June-August 2010 baby right? That's a great time! I will be 24 and Mark will be 27..We will be married 2 years...together almost 7.....Great right? WRONG!!!!

In August of 2009, Amanda and I are going to go to San Diego. We are making it a point to take a trip once a year together if not more than one. This year we went to NYC! So okay, this trip is right before we start so it will be okay.

New Years going into 2010.....Amanda and I are going to London. We were going to go this year but Mark and I decided to go home for Christmas, but Tech might be in the National Championship! Can't miss that! OKay, this could be a problem. What if we are pregnant by then? That would pose a problem of flying across the world 6 weeks or so pregnant. So we can fix that problem and push back trying to December and I should be okay.....and that would give us September baby. Good Right? WRONG!

Mark has two best friends. Craig and James. Both of them are planning on getting engaged this spring or summer in 2009....Giving them Summer 2010 weddings. See the problem? Oh yes, that would make me a lovely 6 or 7 months pregnant. PROBLEM! Not only would I be freaked out to fly but there's a VERY good chance of me being in on of the wedding seeing as she's my college roommate and I hooked her and her bf up. We do know for a fact that Mark will be in both of the weddings if not the best man of both of them.

My frustration lies in the fact that I hate to put our family on hold for something like a wedding.....but with us living in Pennsylvania and these weddings being in Texas, We may have to put of baby making until April or May of 2010 which would mean a January baby which would be a BAD idea in Pennsylvania.

So do you think I'm TOTALLY over analyzing this situation? I'm sure that I am! My solution? I just don't have one!

I have a phobia......

11:45 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
And that is staying a night. Every since I can remember, I have had this terrible fear of staying the night, in our house, alone. I have convinced myself that someone is watching our house and when they see that Mark's truck isn't in the driveway, they will know I'm home alone and they will break in at night and rape and kill me.

I know, I'm crazy! Mark is leaving for Williamsport in a few hours and I will be here in Washington till Wednesday or Thursday by myself. YIKES! In other words, I will be up all night and will be sleeping all day. At least the dogs will be happy because they will get to sleep with me in the living room all week! That's like a mini vacation for them!

I wish that I didn't have this total irrational phobia. I almost bought a plane ticket home for this week so I didn't have to be a lone. That would have been an option other than that whole three dogs things. It kind of puts a damper on things.

So if I'm blogging a ton this week, now you know why!

I think I'm going to go to Michael's this afternoon when Mark leaves to go and get some things to paint. I use to oil paint when I was younger and I loved it! I still like to paint but supplies for oil painting are very expensive so I will stick to the less grand things and paint wood stuff. Exciting eh? I would paint this house top to bottom if it were ours, but seeing as it is just a rental, why would I invest money in someone elses house? Not logical, and Mark would kill me.

It's snowing today. It's suppose to snow all week. The good thing is that all four times it has snowed since we have lived in Pennsylvania, it never sticks. I guess this is both a good and a bad thing.

Well, I'm going to go brush Divot! Her hair is killing me! Silly Husky, why would she shed in the winter? Probably because she still thinks she's in Texas!

A Place For Me

12:34 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Well, I'm new to the blogging world which probably means that most people won't actually read this in cyber land. I have been a follower of many blogs over the past year or so. I have actually tried to start my own a few times, but I usually forget my log in name and password by the next time I try to blog.

I will give you some back history on me. I'm 22 and just married the love of my life in June of 2008. We have been together for 5 years in January so most people would say that we took the long road before we got married. We actually had good reason for this though. It was very important for us to both graduate from College, buy a house and have money in the bank before we got married. Who wants to get married and be broke? Not us!

I know what you are probably thinking? How in the world was I able to buy a house at the age of 22? Well, I was actually 21 when we bought the house. DH is a mechanical engineer so we were able to save a lot faster than we thought we were going to be able to. Buying the house was one of the most exciting days in my life!

Well move to July 2008 and now DH has accepted a position in Western Pennsylvania and here we are in November 2008, living in PA, and owning a house in Texas. Fun right?

Everyone thought our house would sell fast. Glad to see that everyone was wrong. I partially blame myself for this because I probably chose the worst real estate agent in the whole DFW area. To be fair, she is listed as one of the best, but we got off on the wrong foot and we've been limping a long ever since! Come on January 24th so we can be DONE with her.

DH moved to Pennsylvania three weeks after the wedding and I stayed in Texas to try and sell the house. I finally moved up here in October. I'm not currently working. I will try to find a job in January. I can't wait for January! I've been going crazy in this house!

Well that's enough background information on me for right now! I'll be back with more!