Back From Illinois

11:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Well my whole family has made it home safe and sound from our trip to Illinois. My parents ended up being there for 9 days, which was originally a 3 day trip so to say that they were over ready to be home is an understatement.

Mark and I flew first class to St. Louis which was a first for Mark. I told him that once you sit in the front, you will never want to go to the back! I think he agrees with me.

My uncles funeral was nice and so was the visitation that they had for him the night before. All of my cousins made it down except my Uncle Tom's daughter Heather. It was nice to see everyone but I wish it would have been for a better reason.

One of my second cousins was being a real ass hole. He met a girl over Thanksgiving and they got "engaged" last night. He was actually so shitty that he didn't come to the funeral. He had a million excuses as to why he didn't come. I think he wasn't man enough to deal with it. With that being said, he laid in bed with this girl all weekend and never even said hi. She has dropped out of school and is moving to Texas from Ohio to be with him before the leaves for Iraq in February. Ugh. It just makes me so mad that he was such a dick but that's between him and Uncle Ralph one day.

I found out today that one of my good friends is expecting. I'm super happy for her but I must say I'm a little jealous. I know our time will come but I'm the least patient person in the world. She is 8 weeks pregnant and due on August 16th. When I saw her the first week of December I knew she was pregnant. She had gained some weight and I could just tell. When she told me today, I told her that I had a feeling now for a month! She just got married September 27th so it happened super fast but we all knew that's how it would be. I hope Mark and I are that lucky. I must say though, personally, I want to have my one year anniversary before my first child.

By the way, as of yesterday Mark and I have been married 6 months! Time has flown by so fast.

Tomorrow i'm going to see Dr. Yo so maybe she can tell me why my body is screwed up! I'm also going to have her make sure things looks okay since we are trying to have a baby. I know that she is planning on doing a sonogram because she mentioned that to me last time I was there.

Also on the plans tomorrow is a shopping and Chucky Cheese day with Madison. I can't wait!

Hope everyone had a great Christmas!

Airports are my favorite

7:30 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I'm sitting at the airport in Pittsburgh. If you have never been to the Pittsburgh airport you aren't missing out on anything in life. It's super old and use to be a hub for Delta but since the landing fees are crazy here, they moved to Atlanta, which is where I am headed.

Mark got home about 10 last night. I was so happy to see him. It had been such a hard day that I just needed a hug. I was so upset about being apart on Christmas and then I talked with my Mom and found out that they might be going to Paris, IL for Christmas and I was just there for Thanksgiving so the more I thought about it, the more I thought that I don't really need to be there tomorrow so I talked it over with Mark and my parents and we decided that I would just fly to St. Louis on Friday morning with Mark.

I'm so glad that this is the plan now. I was not looking forward to flying all day today and it just seems silly for me to rush up to St. Louis when there is nothing I can do. So we are booked for the 8AM flight on Friday and we will be coming home on Sunday.

My flight today is not until 10:20 but Mark took me this morning to the airport and he had to be in West Virginia by 8:30 this morning so at 5am we left to drop me off. I'm so stinking tired since I didn't sleep well last night. The plus side of being stuck here is that I have found the one outlet in the area and the Pittsburgh airport has free Internet which is hard to come by these days!

Mark will not be on my flight today since he has to work but I was able to get him the last ticket for tomorrow afternoon and he gets into Dallas at 8:40. Merry Christmas to us right? As crappy as the last 48 hours have been I just have to remind myself that there are 5 people who are going to have to bury their Dad on Friday and luckily, I'm not one of them.

It's official

7:22 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mark and I will be spending our first Christmas apart. Such is the story of our life.

My uncle passed away this afternoon so tomorrow I will be flying from Pittsburgh to Atlanta (2 hour layover) then to Dallas and then I have a 5 hour layover and will be back on my way to St. Louis to be with my family. I am currently the only one in the family who is not in Breese. I wish I could be with them sooner but it's just not possible.

Mark has been at work since 4AM and they are not having any luck with the job. The water is freezing since it's -10 here. The company wants to try again next Monday but Marks company wants to continue to work on the well. I vote to go Monday but needless to say I don't get a vote. I am already having to look into other flights for Mark because there is a very good chance that he will not be able to make the flight tomorrow. This has been a very emotional day with lots of flights being booked and cancelled.

When I finally did get to talk to Mark tonight he said that he will fly up for the funeral on Friday so we will see what happens.

We had all of our plans made and in order and now everything is out of whack. I know for sure I will be on a plane tomorrow to Dallas and St. Louis and I have no idea when Mark will join me.

My Dad seems to be doing okay. He was with my uncle when he died. I can't imagine being with my brother when he dies. I'm not very good with death. I never know what to do or say.

I have all of our bags packed which has been a challenge in itself. Mark and I can both check a bag and carry one on. I have a big suitcase with the presents and some of Marks clothes in it. I had to fit ALL of my things in my one bag since marks dad will be bringing me another bag with my parents clothes so that gives me my two bag allowance. It's been a royal pain.

I'm gonna go have some dinner by myself....yummy fish sticks.

Christmas Plans Have Changed

12:15 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
If there is one thing you know know about me and Mark is that you can never plan anything with us because something will always come up or happen. It has been this way for almost two years now and it's starting to get a little unreal.

*Wedding Ceremony location flooded 8 weeks before the wedding.

*Memorial day plans totally changed after last night work trip for Mark

*Moved from TX to PA months earlier than expected

There are much more but I just can't think of them right now.

My parents went to Illinois on Friday for my cousin Steve's party. He was turning 50 and he has down syndrome so it's almost unheard of that they live that long! It was a huge family gathering of which I was one of the 3 that did not make it. My family on my Dads side includes almost 75 people is not more!

My Uncle Ralph went into the hospital on Monday. He has had some major heart problems, which runs heavily in my Dads family. He was diagnosed with pneumonia and things seemed like they were going to be okay. Well he wasn't able to get out of the hospital before the weekend and so everyone went up to the hospital to see him. When my mom called me on Friday she said that Ralph did not look well at all.

I get a call from my mom on Saturday afternoon and she seems very distraught. She said that they have only given Ralph a few days to live and they don't know what to do. So yesterday was spent trying to make different flight plans and figure out what was going on. I don't think that anyone who is in Breese, IL is thinking straight enough for me to get any good answers of what is going on. When Mom called last night she said that Dad was going to stay in Illinois and her and my brother were going to come home.

Well when my mom called this morning she said that they are all staying and that I should try and get to Illinois as soon as I can. Mom was trying to figure out that how she was going to get more clothes for them and possibly funeral clothes.

So my plans have gone from flying from Pittsburgh to Atlanta to Dallas tomorrow and staying till the 3rd to flying from Pittsburgh to Atlanta to Dallas to St. Louis tomorrow. When I get to Dallas I will grab the extra suitcase with my parents and brothers clothes from my FIL and go jump on another plane. It's going to be one long day with an even longer Christmas. Needless to say this is not how I planned on spending Christmas.

I know I sound so selfish but I just don't see the need of jumping on a plane if he's not dead. We thought Mark's grandpa was going to die last year and they gave him a day to live and here he is a year later just fine.

This is our first Christmas as a married couple and I will be in St. Louis and Mark will be in Texas. Mark wont be coming to St. Louis unless my uncle dies.

Well I have to do more packing!

My uncle in on the left.


8:31 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today I have been super sad. I'm having a bit of issues dealing with slight depression. I love this time of year but with us being in Pennsylvania I feel super alone.

At least Mark and I are going to try and make a baby tonight. That keeps me going!

Also, I feel like my really good friend has replaced me. We were suppose to be going to London for New Years but now that we are going to Dallas I wasn't able to go. She told me today that she is going in January with another girlfriend. I feel totally replaced. I was suppose to be going to London and I wasn't even invited. I'm super sad.

On the bright side, Mark and I get Madison on the 30th for the whole day! So excited!

No fun Title

12:53 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Last night after Mark and I finished Christmas shopping and having dinner we headed out to Auggies to meet Eric and Candice. Auggies is not exactly my favorite place but it's just about the only place to go in Washington.

We had a really good time and the band that was playing was really really good. We didn't get home will after 2am! It's been a long time since closed the bar down. We slept in till around 9:30 this morning, well correction. I slept till 9:30 when Divot let me know she was ready to get up and Mark is still sleeping.

Today I'm going to head off and do a little more shopping at Waterfront. I need to purchase another suitcase for our trip home. Somehow we have misplaced our small suitcase and we need it for when we go home on Tuesday. I also need to look for a dress to wear on New Years Eve in case we decide to go out that night. Seeing as it's suppose to be in the 70's almost the whole time we are in Texas, I'm gonna purchase a really cute dress. I'm going to leave Mark home for this shopping trip since he was less than pleasant yesterday.

Well, I have to get ready to go shopping! Have a great day. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

PS. We are suppose to get 4 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow. ICK!

Christmas Shopping

5:54 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Today Mark and I ventured out in the pouring rain to finish our Christmas shopping. We have most everything bought but I still need a few things. I'm so glad we at least have most of it done though. I was starting to get worried that we hadn't gotten anything. We are very limited to what we can get seeing as we are flying back for Christmas. We have allowed one piece of luggage for gifts to bring and to bring things back.

Mark was sorta grumpy about going shopping but after I reminded him that if we hadn't moved to Pennsylvania I would have had someone to go shopping with and he shouldn't be selfish, he started to see things more of my way.

Yesterday we did a little shopping but didn't really get anything done because Eric was with us. We decided to have a nice dinner of sushi at Benni Hanna's. It was the worst trip I have ever had. Our waitress was totally swamped and we felt super bad for her. We got our sushi about 40 minutes after getting there which wasn't that bad. Eric on the other hand, it took and hour and a half to get his food. Totally unacceptable! Our waitress has told the manager that there was a problem and he never came over to apologize.

So after being there two hours, our waitress brings us the check and said that the manager had taken 25% off the bill. WHAT?! Are you f*in kidding me? So we asked to talk to the manager. Eric explained to the manager that that was unacceptable and the manager got attitude so I jumped in and chewed the manager. He finally agreed to take care of Eric's bill.

When our waitress came back to finish our check we were talking with her apologizing that he has to work for such an ass hole and he came back over and said "is there a problem here?" This is where I lost. I told him that we were just telling her how great she was and how it must really suck to work for and with you and that I was going to be calling corporate and complain about him. His response? "Do you need me name?" And mine. "No ass hole, I can read your name tag."

I have never had an experience like that before. I was so dang pissed! Then we went to Texas Roadhouse today and waited 20 minutes for our waitress to acknowledge that we were at the table. We are suppose to go out tonight with Eric and a girl he is seeing. I sure hope we get better service!

Have a great weekend!

This is....

9:06 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
(The spacing and alignment is all messed up and i'm not sure how to fix it)

my 20th post! Not a very big accomplishment but seeing as I have started about 10 different blogs and I have actually kept up with this one, that's a big deal for me!

Yesterday I actually got up at the same time as Mark, which is an unimpressive 8:30
and proceeded to clean the upstairs of the house. It has needed it for a while but I've been way to lazy. That's the bad thing about not working, I have become very lazy because lets face it, I don't have anything to do.
Mark has been home every afternoon this week. His business is really slow this week so he's just been hanging out. Yesterday I ran to Target after lunch (more on that story to come) and came home to Mark and Eric playing wii golf. I'm so glad that their company pays them to play wii during the day. Oh well, they make up for it when they works days on end with no sleep.
So back to Target, on Monday I wrote out all of our Christmas cards and they were ready to go. All they needed was the Christmas picture I was going to put in them. I went and printed off 43 pictures for the cards and then realized I printed the wrong one. UGH. So after lunch, I go to Rite Aide and print another 43 pictures and the color was so off! Dang, okay, I'll just use the wrong picture. No biggie.
I bring them home and put them in the card and the way the card is set up, it cuts off our heads and Divots head. I tried for about an hour for a way to fix them and never could come up with a way. So yesterday I went to Target to buy 45 MORE Christmas cards and rewrite them and readdress. It was so aggravating! Oh well, moral of the story is that I should have checked them before I wrote them all out.
Mark and I are suppose to be going Christmas shopping either this afternoon or tomorrow afternoon. I kinda hope we got today. I need something to do! At least if we go today, I can wrap them tomorrow.
So on a more personal note, yesterday was my last day on BCP. I figure if they are not serving the purpose they are suppose to be, why keep taking them. I'm still super pissed that my body is not doing what I need it to do.

We have three gifts under our tree and all of them are for Madison. Mark keeps teasing that he's going to open them to which I reply that he's to old for cabbage patch kids, the pink sleeping beauty pjs wont fit him, and the all pink outfit I bought for Madison for Chucky Cheese wont fit him. This is another reason that we need to go Christmas shopping today.

Now I will leave you with a few photos......

This is Mark and one of his best friends from Alaska at our wedding. He's a goober!

This is our backyard. Beautiful huh?

This is our front yard. This is what it looks like all the time.

My Body....

1:53 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
And I are about to duke it out and I'm not really sure which one of us is going to win.

This may be a little too much TMI for some people reading this so take that as you warning.

Last October I have a lovely case of vaginitis and I have no idea where in the freaking world it came from. I had never had anything like that and in the beginning I assumed it was a yeast infection, again, something I had never had before. A month later I finally went to the doctor and Dr. Yo diagnosed with me non-specific vaginitis and gave me some things to clear it up which did.

Moving onto December things were fine. One morning, about a week before Christmas Mark called me around 4:45 in the morning letting me know he had been in a car accident and needed me to find him a hospital because he "could see his bone" in his hand. I jumped out of bed to grab my computer to find him a hospital and I felt this rush of fluid down my leg. Seeing as my husband was on the side of the road and in need of a hospital I didn't have time to worry about what the rush was. After finally finding him a hospital, (thank god he was only about a mile down the road from one) I went to the bathroom to get ready and rush out to be with him and discovered it was bright red blood. Thinking to myself, that was very strange since I had just gotten off my time of the month about a week prior.

This would be the start to over a year of unusual period cycles for me. Since December, I probably have on average two/three "periods" a month that last from 3 days to a week. Talk about annoying. You think aunt flow is bad for a few days out of the month, try being on aunt flow for weeks at a time for a year.

In October, before I moved to PA, I finally broke down and went to my Dr. She said that I probably had a hormone imbalance so she changed my birth control and said that if things were not better in three months she would have to see me again and do a sonogram and some other test.

Well October was horrible. I was on my period almost all month. I was so discouraged I almost just quit taking the pills all together. November went great. I had a normal cycle and was getting positive because I thought maybe the new pills had done the trick. Well that's what I get for getting positive.

Yesterday aunt flow reared her ugly face just one week later after visiting me. I can not begin to express how frustrated I am with myself and my body that it is doing this to me. Before I had that crappy vaginitis I was as regular as the sun. I could tell you almost up to the hour that I would start on a given day. Now, god only knows.

When I told Mark last night what was going on he looked so disappointed. I guess he knows that since my body has decided to be screwy that making a baby might be very difficult. I am trying to stay positive but I know you can't make a baby if you are on your period all the time.

I have made an appointment to go see my Dr. on the 30th while I am back in Texas. It's going to be a long couple of weeks waiting for the appointment. I just hope that it's just a hormone imbalance and things will be okay.

I must say though, after I am off the pill, I will never go back on it.

Have a great day!

This is the picture we used for out Christmas card. It's not the best but it will work. The one that I wanted to use cut our heads off once it was in the card.

Dinner Tonight

2:51 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Tonight we are having Fresh Atlantic Salmon, Pan seared scallops with red peppers and zucchini! I'm so excited for dinner! Ha. I'm thrilled about cooking now that I have some amazing pots and pans to cook in! My mother-in-law also bought me a grill pan which will be great for the salmon tonight. Mark loves salmon, I myself am not such a fan but I do like scallops!

Also on the menu for this week, Tuesday: stuffed banana peppers with fresh snapped green beans, Wednesday: crispy chicken salad with red peppers and avocado (dang, just hit me I forgot to buy black olives) for me and chicken wings and fries for Mark (he's not a salad fan), Thursday: oven fried chicken with fresh steamed broccoli, Friday: We always have pizza. We got that tradition from Marks parents. Saturday I will make hamburger helper with ground turkey.

Can you tell that I'm super excited for the week and food? Ha. I'm such a fattie! At least it's all pretty healthy. It's just a lot more fun cooking when I have the right tools to do it.

I had the most strange thing happen to me at the grocery store today. I was waiting in line and a guy walked up behind me with two gift cards to buy. I, with a whole basket full of things, asked him if he would like to go in front of me in line since it was silly for him to have to wait behind me. He looked at me like he was shocked and said that was very very nice of me to do. I do it a lot if I'm at the grocery store or Wal*Mart. It's just a polite thing to do. The cashier joked that the guy should buy me dinner with one of the gift cards that he bought. I laughed and the guy said, actually, I'm going to buy her groceries. I of course told him that it was not necessary because I was just doing the polite thing. He said that he had never had anyone do that for him before.

That just blows my mind because I do it all the time for people and I've had it done for me several times. I told them that I was from Texas and maybe it's just something we do. The cashier also said she had never seen it done before. The cashier and man were so shocked by what I had done. He just kept thanking me and talking about what a kind person I was. Like I kept telling them, it's just a polite thing to do .

When it was my turn to check out, the cashier and I were just making small talk and I told her that I do those kind of things because it's a pay it forward thing. For all I know, that guy could be having a really bad day, he might not be able to go home for Christmas, he might have been laid off this year, you just never know what people are going through. I sure hope that guy and the cashier have a great holiday season.

My cough is defiantly much better today. My chest feels very heavy with mucus though. We shall see what happens.

My list of things to do this week is to finish Christmas shopping! The only person that Mark and I have done is his mom and that's because she bought her own gift. Ha. To our defense, it was a Brighton bracelet and she knew the one she wanted. It was just easier that way! I have bought a Tech hat for my brother and that's all we have done.

Here's our problem. Mark and I, for ourselves, have bought a 42" Sony TV, A Nintendo Wii, Guitar Hero World Tour, an extra Guitar, and I have bought Zelda for Wii for Mark. We have spent a ton of money on ourselves!

My Mom and Dad have given me no direction for what they want. Ugh. It's very aggravating. Marks dad wants Cd's and I have to find a Boston Celtics shirt. We have bought a cabbage patch doll for Madison. I hate to think that we are going to have to go to the mall on Saturday but I think we don't have any way around it. Mark will be more than thrilled with this.

I'm not sure what we are going to get for everyone since it's going to be very difficult for us to bring things back. I guess I might have to do some shopping on Christmas Eve. No shocker there though, my Dad and I have a tradition of doing it every year. What a great tradition right?

On the baby making front, we are ready! I got a lot of great cute gender neutral things when I was shopping with Lindsey. She was making fun though of the snow suits that they have for babies since ours will need one. Mark said that just wait till she comes up here, she'll appreciate it! Mark and I had a long great talk about the baby in the car on the trip to Texas and we are more than sure that we are ready. Come on January!

Have a great day!

Just Another Manic Monday

12:07 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I went to bed at 8:15 last night! I don't think I've done that since oh gosh, I don't know when! I slept in till 9:15 this morning and boy did I need it. I have this horrible cold that I can't seem to get over. I seem to be a little better today though. I almost called a doctor but I just can't bring myself to do it. I dislike doctors a lot!

On my list of things to do today is have lunch with Mark (that got cancelled because he has to go get water samples) go grocery shopping, mail bills, get more stamps, and finish Christmas cards. I'm not sure what all I'm going to make for dinner this week. I have a ton of stuff in the freezer that needs to go. We shall see what I come up with.

I'm a little disappointed in the fact that I gained 3 pounds last week! I guess I can blame it on all the Mexican food I ate last week. It was very worth it. We are heading back to Texas in a week and I'm excited. Christmas will be very different this year since we already have most of our gifts because since we are flying, we are very limited in what we can bring back. You gotta love all the fees for baggage.

I will write more later! It's lunch time!

Home in Pennsylvania

6:54 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
We are back! We had a great trip home but I must say, it is nice to be back home. We were planning on stopping in Nashville but Mark decided we would drive the whole way...again. It wasn't so bad. We got in around 3:30am, unpacked the car, put the dogs to bed, and did what most normal people would do...Go to bed....NOT. We got back in the car and headed to Wal*Mart to get Guitar Hero for our new Wii and pick up a few gifts.

All in all, we just ended up with Guitar Hero. They didn't have the other things we needed but that's okay, it just gives us an excuse to go to Best Buy this week. So here it is, 7am and Mark is playing Guitar Hero and I'm blogging. We are such goobers!

I have been fighting this horrible cold for a week now and I'm about ready to tell it where it can go! My throat is just raw from coughing, my ears are clogged and I just feel like crap. I hope that maybe I'm starting to come to the upside of it though because my cough is a little better than yesterday. We shall see. I know I must be better before next Tuesday when we jump on a plane to come home!

I will update more about our trip later!


11:49 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
This is going to be short because I have to leave in 25 minutes to head up to Dallas to meet Mary and hopefully Lauren for lunch at this secret place we always went for lunch when I was at Travelhost. It's so stinkin yummy!!

I had a great time yesterday shopping with Lindsey for X-mas. I didn't really get a lot of things for other people but I did get a few baby clothes that were on clearance and the best thing I got was a WII!! I actually found one at the Game Stop at the Parks Mall. Mark is so excited and can't wait to get back to Pennsylvania to play it! I'm the best wife ever! He gets a new TV and a Wii! What more could he want?

Also, I have set a date with the adorable Madison for when we come back for Christmas. Aunt Cake (Because 2 year olds can't really make out T's) and Uncle Mark are taking her to Chucky Cheeses. She is so excited and I'm excited to take her. We don't get to see her that much any more since we live to far away and Mark just adores her like she is his own. I don't know who is more excited, Mark or Madison. I also have to go get her Christmas present today. I have a million things to do today.

Talk to ya later!

Have a great day!

Some people......

11:11 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
In the world are just not very bright. Selling a house seems to bring out all of the crazy/stupid people in the world. Our house in Ft. Worth showed twice this weekend which was great seeing as I didn't think it would show at all between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Yesterday while I was at my parents house waiting on a repair man, I check to look at the comments the realtor had posted about the showing.

My thoughts are in parenthesis.

"Kitchen light fixture broke, (Yeah it's that crappy plastic stuff that are in those boxy lights in the kitchen, it's a $2 fix at Lowe's) House was the cleanest the client has seen (Well duh, who's going to show a dirty house and since we don't live like pigs, it will be clean) Noise from the street is loud (Again, never bothered me and Mark) Client is concerned about all of the will shoot intruder stickers on the window (What the F*ck are they talking about?!?!?)

So here I am racking my bring trying to figure out what these crazy people are talking about. Did someone put stickers on my windows? Was the house broken into again? And since I am my Moms bitch when I am home, I was stuck waiting on the repair man to come and fix the microwave and couldn't go check.

So this morning I left early to go check on our house. This realtor should hang her head in shame for being the stupidest person on the planet. Wanna know what these people were talking about?! The TWO ADT stickers that we have on the windows. Yes, TWO! I have one on the back door and one on the side of the house that faces the busy street.

I must say, good luck to those people looking for a house with a security system that doesn't have the stickers in the window! Ugh. If it's one thing I can't stand and that is ignorant people and those people take the icing on the cake! But like I told my mother-in-law and Mark, if those people are that dumb, we don't want to do business with them anyways.

I'm starting to get over my cold which is good. I hope that most of it is gone by the time we head out back for Pennsylvania. Driving that far while sick would be a whole lot of no fun!

Tonight I am going out with some people from my old work and I could not be more excited. When I was still working in Dallas every Wednesday or Thursday I would go to Happy Hour with a few work people. I haven't seen them since my last day which was Sept. 26th! It will be great to catch up and see them, plus, as an extra bonus, we meet at a Mexican restaurant in highland park and I have missed Mexican food! There is no Mexican food in Pennsylvania.

Until next time....

Have a great day!

I have been MIA

10:37 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
I know I know! I have been a bad blogger! Mark and I are in Texas this week and my Internet access is limited to say the least. His parents don't have wireless and while mine do, my Dad is very nosey about what I'm doing on the computer.

We got here around 8:45 on Friday night after leaving Washington at 3am. It was a long drive, but a good drive. Mark and I talked more than we have talked in a long time! It was great to have that time together with no distractions.

Saturday I went shopping and my mom bought me some amazing Calphalon pots and pans! I'm so excited to go home and use them. Pots and pans were the one thing that we wanted for the wedding that we didn't get and so my mom bought them for us for Christmas!

Saturday night we played Guitar Hero for several hours at my parents house with my whole family and James. I was hoping that if Mark played guitar hero and really like it then he would want to buy me a wii. Guess what? It worked! Now he wants a wii! My plan went off without a hitch!

Sunday we had a very special baby shower to go to. Some really good family friends of ours daughter has been trying to get pregnant for 5 years without any luck. Her husband and her decided to adopt a baby from Vietnam and they got back at the end of November with their baby boy Simon. The shower was very special because the baby actually got to be at the shower.
I know personally it was special for me because I think my mom and I were the only ones who really grasped the whole adoption thing since we have been through it. The baby was a trooper and didn't cry once! It was amazing.

I have been doing a lot of "errands" for my mom. It never fails. She always has a honey do list for me. Ugh. It's so stinking annoying! I think I might go over to their house and put up Christmas lights. My parents live in a really swanky neighborhood where people pay a lot of money to have their Christmas lights done and my parents think it's foolish to spend thousands of dollars on Christmas lights but their house looks so grumpy!

I will try and update later on this week.

Have a great day!

Leaving in the morning....

7:36 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
My lovely DH has decided to go with my plan so we are leaving in the morning. 3am to be exact! Crazy I know but when we travel in the car with the dogs it's very hard to find a hotel that will take all of them, not to mention trying to keep them quiet it a pain! We have an estimated arrival time of 10PM tomorrow night. I'm so stinking excited!

*Okay, this is not the best picture of Texas, but a funny one! That place is crazy*

Forgot to mention......

9:49 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
This is the perk of not working and being a "housewife"

Check out my travel schedule for December.

December 5th-13th- Dallas
December 14th-18th- Pittsburgh
December 19th-21st- St. Louis
December 22nd-Pittsburgh
December 23rd-January3rd-Dallas

I was really sad though that Mark has been sick or I would have been in NYC yesterday for the tree lighting. Dang him being sick!

I didn't even carry out suitcases upstairs from our trip from Thanksgiving. What's the point? I have to pack them tonight!

Rain Rain.....Go Away

9:28 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So when people ask me what's been the hardest thing to adjust to with this massive move that Mark and I undertook.....I must say, it's the rain/snow! It rains or snows everyday. And when I saw everyday, I mean almost an inch. It's really crazy. I know why so many people are depressed here in the area and it's because the weather just plain sucks. The sun was out yesterday and it was great!

I found this great jewel tone shirt to wear to the baby shower on Sunday! I got it 50% off at Macy's! It was a small which made me so excited! I've been trying to loose weight and I am 6lbs away from my goal weight! I hope to reach that before we come home for Christmas. It wont have that large of an effect on people since we are coming next week also. Oh well, at least I feel better about myself.

I refuse to be one of those girls who gets married and blows up like a whale! I've seen it time and time again and that will not be me! I will also not be one of those ladies who gains 90lbs when I'm pregnant. Unless I pop out a five year old, that's not gonna happen! I've seen that also, the 90lbs that is, and it's a long road back to "normal." No thank you.

Speaking of TTC, I've decided to stay on BCP for one more month. My amazing doctor whom I love more than anything, wanted me to try these new BCP for 3 months and then come in for a sonogram if things weren't better. October was bad. November was great. We shall see what December has in store for us! I'm kinda bummed but in the end I know what will be, will be.

I bought several gifts for the baby shower yesterday at my favorite store, Target! Unfortunately, she hadn't registered for anything super cute so I ended up getting feeding items. Although they are not "cute" I guess they are practical. It will be good to see lots of our good friends at the baby shower on Sunday. The hostesses are the same ones that threw me an amazing bridal shower! The shower will be different though because the baby is already born and is 6 months old. Strange you think? Well not really, they had infertility problems and ended up adopting a sweet baby boy from Vietnam and they just got back with him a few weeks ago. Only one person at the baby shower knows Mark and I are starting to TTC so I hope she keeps the cat in the bag! She better!

Have a great day!

Hump Day

9:17 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
Poor Mark is still sick. I don't know what else to do to help him. He coughed all night long and had a hard time getting to sleep. He had to get up much earlier than usual because he had a meeting at the yard (about 20 minutes away) to meet with some big shots.

On my list of things to do today.....Go to Target to get a baby shower gift, Go to Macy's for fun, Go to Giant Eagle.......Sounds fun right? Actually, yes because the sun is out today! This is the first time I've seen the sun in a while!

We still haven't decided what day we are leaving for Texas. It will depend on when Mark gets off work on Friday.

On Wednesday I'm going to be meeting my regular happy hour group and I could not be more excited!! Yea for Chuys and some good Mexican food!!

Have a great day!


6:04 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mark came home tonight with a wonderful surprise! He has training all next week in Ft. Worth. What does that mean you ask? That means that WE are coming to Texas. Since it's very expensive to fly we have decided to drive, and bring the whole family! Yes, all three dogs.

Our parents are so excited to see us and we keep telling Three Putt that he's going to see Grandma, of course, he doesn't get it.

We are going to be in Texas from Saturday to Saturday! I hope I can see as many people as possible. I know for a fact that I have a baby shower on Sunday, which will be weird because this will be the first shower since Mark and I have started TTC. Interesting! This just gives me a great excuse to go to Babies R Us this week! Yea!


9:50 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
We have a sick household. Poor Mark coughed his head up last night. In the 5 years that we have been together, he has never been sick. Never, not once. I must say though, he's milking it. You would have thought that he was going to die last night. So on my life of things to do today, get Mark some medicine! Good thing I had to go to Wally World today anyways. I HATE WALLY WORLD! The one here in Washington has a thing against opening more than 5 checkouts. Ugh. It takes forever to checkout. Not to mention it's always snowing or raining which makes the trip hell.

I have to clean this house also! I cleaned it like crazy a week ago but with the hustle of trying to get out of the house for Thanksgiving it got dirty. Ick. Not to mention, Mark has no sense of clean. Ha.

Oh well, off to start my day! Have a good one!


9:17 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Mark and I had a great Thanksgiving. This was our first Thanksgiving without our family, minus that one that my Mom and I were in NYC for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It didn't really feel like Thanksgiving but it was great to be around family.

We left for Illinois around 5pm on Wednesday evening. Mark had to work later than thought but we finally got into Paris around 11pm which wasn't bad. Traffic was heavy into Ohio but once we hit Indiana it wasn't that bad.

The next morning I got up and had a great conversation with my Uncle, who happens to be one of my favorite. When I went to wake Mark up he wasn't feeling well so I left to sleep until around 11:30. The family started coming over around noon and we ate about 15 minutes later which was SUPER early for us. They had about 25 people over. I knew about 10 of them which included cousins and second cousins. It was a good time none the less.

That next morning Mark and I got up SUPER early and headed up to Champaign, IL to go to Best Buy. It was the closest one, mind you, it was over an hour away! We ended up getting a new TV! We are so excited. We deserve it big time! It's a 42 inch, Sony LCD...blah blah blah. That's all I know about it. Now I know we currently own 3 extra TVs. What in the world am I suppose to do with them?

We ended up coming home on Saturday, and I'm so glad that we did because the weather was nasty today. Mark is still sick and I'm not feeling all that great. At least we get to go home in 23 days! I'm so excited and ready!

I have started to take pre-natal vitamins and boy do they make me sick! I have always had problems with vitamins but man, these take the cake! I take them and 10 minutes later I throw up. NOT GOOD. I'm going to have to try something else.

Have a good evening!

Texas Tech

11:40 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
I am still proud to be a Red Raider. I have NO idea what happened tonight. We look so bad it's a joke.

We are still a one loss team though!!! We still beat Texas!!! OU lost to Texas.

On the up note, if there is one, Tech should be in the Cotton Bowl which means we will get to go to the game since we will be in Dallas over the Holidays.

Better luck next time Tech! I'm an Alumni and proud to be one.

I do have some exciting news though.......

Mark and I were talking last night and we have decided that I will take my BCP through February, let my system clean out in March, and start TTC in April and May giving us a December 09 to January 10 baby. We are very excited. It was such an amazing feeling to hear Mark talk about a baby. He understands that I am ready and he is almost with me.

I can't help but be super excited!

Have a good night.


Home Alone...Still

12:16 AM Edit This 0 Comments »
So Mark left for Williamsport on Sunday and was suppose to do a 16 stage job pumping 24 hours. This would have put him home on Wednesday, possibly Thursday (today). Well whenever he goes to Williamport this ALWAYS happens. Something went terribly wrong with the well and they have only done 2 stages.

I have no idea when he is going to be home now. There is a VERY good chance he wont be home until sometime next week. BLAH!!! I hate that. I hate being home alone especially since I don't know anyone here. I just sit and watch TV all day. What a pointless life I have right now!

I'm very worried about our Thanksgiving plans of going to Illinois because Mark may not be home yet. This ALWAYS happens when we have plans. With Mark being in the oil field we can never make plans. He has been doing this for 2 years and it's still the same. I feel like I'm married to a doctor. Blah.

I have done almost nothing this week. How lame am I?

On Tuesday night I had dinner with Samantha who is a childhood friend who moved to Japan after our freshmen year in HS. I hadn't seen her in 7 years so it was great! We sat at the bar and talked all night long. I can't wait to do it again. It's nice when you see and old friend and it's as though the time has stopped from where you last saw each other and starts when you see each other again.

On Tuesday I went to Macy's and got an AMAZING deal on a jacket. It's a red pea coat that was originally $129.00 and I walked away with it for $16.12! How great is that!

Yesterday I went to Wal*Mart to get baking things...and yet I didn't do a bit of baking today. Maybe tomorrow. I'm trying to put off most of my baking until next week so its fresh for Thanksgiving. We are going to be in a sugar coma for a month after all of the sweets I've made.

So in other news, my BF Amanda and composed this amazing idea to go to the Big 12 championship if Tech wins this weekend. It would be me, Amanda and Michele. It would be so much fun. They are going to buy tickets tomorrow to the game. I haven't been able to talk with Mark about the trip yet. I'm not sure if he will be okay with me going since it is a $400 trip and we just bought our tickets home for Christmas.

With us still owning the house in Texas, we have to keep a close eye on our money. I sure hope I get to go! I also asked my Dad to see if they could give it to me as my x-mas present because what could they possibly get us? We are flying and the airlines will charge us a ton for extra baggage.

I sure wish Mark would call! I haven't talked to him since 5:00pm On Wednesday and it is now 12:30AM on Friday. YUCK!

Thanks for listening.


The Dilemma of 2009 and 2010

2:37 PM Edit This 0 Comments »
Yes Yes, we are still in 2008, I know. So why am I stressing about 2010? Well, I will tell you!

Mark and I have been married for 5 months next Friday. Almost half a year! Time has FLOWN! (On a side note, I'm ALMOST done with my Thank You notes, I'm a terrible bride) Any who, now the next question we get almost once a week is "when are you going to have a baby?" I think we get this question because we have been together 5 years so we're not your typical met, dated a year, and was married a year later for a total of knowing your husband/wife a total of two years.

Well with my "girl issues" that I've had for over a year now, I'd like to have a good idea about when I will need to stop my BCP and when I will need to get my pre-OBGYN checkup and all that good stuff, not to mention I want to loose 10lbs before I'm Pregnant.

So here's our dilemma....... The original plan was for me to stop taking my BCP on our one year anniversary. Then we will start trying around October-November of next year. This would give us a June-August 2010 baby right? That's a great time! I will be 24 and Mark will be 27..We will be married 2 years...together almost 7.....Great right? WRONG!!!!

In August of 2009, Amanda and I are going to go to San Diego. We are making it a point to take a trip once a year together if not more than one. This year we went to NYC! So okay, this trip is right before we start so it will be okay.

New Years going into 2010.....Amanda and I are going to London. We were going to go this year but Mark and I decided to go home for Christmas, but Tech might be in the National Championship! Can't miss that! OKay, this could be a problem. What if we are pregnant by then? That would pose a problem of flying across the world 6 weeks or so pregnant. So we can fix that problem and push back trying to December and I should be okay.....and that would give us September baby. Good Right? WRONG!

Mark has two best friends. Craig and James. Both of them are planning on getting engaged this spring or summer in 2009....Giving them Summer 2010 weddings. See the problem? Oh yes, that would make me a lovely 6 or 7 months pregnant. PROBLEM! Not only would I be freaked out to fly but there's a VERY good chance of me being in on of the wedding seeing as she's my college roommate and I hooked her and her bf up. We do know for a fact that Mark will be in both of the weddings if not the best man of both of them.

My frustration lies in the fact that I hate to put our family on hold for something like a wedding.....but with us living in Pennsylvania and these weddings being in Texas, We may have to put of baby making until April or May of 2010 which would mean a January baby which would be a BAD idea in Pennsylvania.

So do you think I'm TOTALLY over analyzing this situation? I'm sure that I am! My solution? I just don't have one!

I have a phobia......

11:45 AM Posted In , Edit This 0 Comments »
And that is staying a night. Every since I can remember, I have had this terrible fear of staying the night, in our house, alone. I have convinced myself that someone is watching our house and when they see that Mark's truck isn't in the driveway, they will know I'm home alone and they will break in at night and rape and kill me.

I know, I'm crazy! Mark is leaving for Williamsport in a few hours and I will be here in Washington till Wednesday or Thursday by myself. YIKES! In other words, I will be up all night and will be sleeping all day. At least the dogs will be happy because they will get to sleep with me in the living room all week! That's like a mini vacation for them!

I wish that I didn't have this total irrational phobia. I almost bought a plane ticket home for this week so I didn't have to be a lone. That would have been an option other than that whole three dogs things. It kind of puts a damper on things.

So if I'm blogging a ton this week, now you know why!

I think I'm going to go to Michael's this afternoon when Mark leaves to go and get some things to paint. I use to oil paint when I was younger and I loved it! I still like to paint but supplies for oil painting are very expensive so I will stick to the less grand things and paint wood stuff. Exciting eh? I would paint this house top to bottom if it were ours, but seeing as it is just a rental, why would I invest money in someone elses house? Not logical, and Mark would kill me.

It's snowing today. It's suppose to snow all week. The good thing is that all four times it has snowed since we have lived in Pennsylvania, it never sticks. I guess this is both a good and a bad thing.

Well, I'm going to go brush Divot! Her hair is killing me! Silly Husky, why would she shed in the winter? Probably because she still thinks she's in Texas!

A Place For Me

12:34 PM Posted In Edit This 1 Comment »
Well, I'm new to the blogging world which probably means that most people won't actually read this in cyber land. I have been a follower of many blogs over the past year or so. I have actually tried to start my own a few times, but I usually forget my log in name and password by the next time I try to blog.

I will give you some back history on me. I'm 22 and just married the love of my life in June of 2008. We have been together for 5 years in January so most people would say that we took the long road before we got married. We actually had good reason for this though. It was very important for us to both graduate from College, buy a house and have money in the bank before we got married. Who wants to get married and be broke? Not us!

I know what you are probably thinking? How in the world was I able to buy a house at the age of 22? Well, I was actually 21 when we bought the house. DH is a mechanical engineer so we were able to save a lot faster than we thought we were going to be able to. Buying the house was one of the most exciting days in my life!

Well move to July 2008 and now DH has accepted a position in Western Pennsylvania and here we are in November 2008, living in PA, and owning a house in Texas. Fun right?

Everyone thought our house would sell fast. Glad to see that everyone was wrong. I partially blame myself for this because I probably chose the worst real estate agent in the whole DFW area. To be fair, she is listed as one of the best, but we got off on the wrong foot and we've been limping a long ever since! Come on January 24th so we can be DONE with her.

DH moved to Pennsylvania three weeks after the wedding and I stayed in Texas to try and sell the house. I finally moved up here in October. I'm not currently working. I will try to find a job in January. I can't wait for January! I've been going crazy in this house!

Well that's enough background information on me for right now! I'll be back with more!